Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Lone Taxidermist....

Back in the day I was in a band called The Bottomfeeders, there was lots of glitter, lots of pork pies and we liked to sing about skinny white boys, horses and fly trouble. We had a good few years but things changed and we parted ways.

The Bottomfeeders was the brain child of Natalie Sharp, one of the most creative people I (and most other people) have ever met. She now resides in London Town and has gone solo. Under the name The Lone Taxidermist and with help from an excellent nob twiddler (Phil from Tunng) and a beating tribal goddess (Lindt Morris) she's been making a noise singing about pies, bad leggings, roadkill and intoxicating men. Her live shows have all the glitter, taxidermy, tassels, lady-goth you could wish for, with the addition of some great make-up art (Natalie's day job is a face and body painter).

After a long wait The Lone Taxidermist's new video Bijoux Boy is finally ready for the world to see. And see it you must (just click on the link)!

The Lone Taxidermist will be performing at the Hooting and Howling minifest on 12 June 2011. It's a free event and we can guarantee you'll be impressed!

If you can't wait till June for a music fix, get yourself down to Temesis Dock on Wednesday the 13 April for an evening of live music from Hyperpotamus and Messner.